Thursday, February 13, 2014

Mary TV Daily Reflection 2/13/2014


 Vicka on the Blue steps- fearless joy!      
 (c)Mary TV 2012


February 13, 2014

Dear Family of Mary!

Vicka Ivankovic - Mijatovic's meeting with pilgrims on October 25, 2013 was filmed by Mary TV, and it is featured as "Fruit of Medjugorje Episode 102". I have transcribed Vicka's talk so that we can review her words again. Every time I hear Vicka talk, even though she says the same thing most of the time, I receive fresh insights into Our Lady and her messages. It is the power of a firsthand witness! Vicka knows Our Lady! She talks with her and sees her every day!!

October 25, 2013 - Vicka Ivankovic - Mijatovic

I am so happy to be here with you this morning. I am even happier to be able to share with you the most important messages of Our Lady, the messages Our Lady gives for all of you. The main messages of Our Lady are prayer, peace, conversion, confession and fasting. Our Lady also recommends that we pray every day all three parts of the rosary and to fast twice a week on Wednesday and Friday on bread and water. But there is a beautiful thing that Our Lady requires of us, to pray for our firm faith. When Our Lady says that we need to pray it doesn't mean that we just open our lips. But we need to open our hearts every day so that the prayer may become a great grace for us.

Our Lady gave us a beautiful example when she said "All of you have a flower pot at home. If you water the flower every day, two or three drops every day, you will see the flower blossom into a beautiful rose." It is almost the same example with our heart, if we put into our heart two or three prayers it will be like the flower that grows. But if we do not water the flower for a couple of days we will see what it looks like, as if it never existed before. Then Our Lady says this is exactly what happens to us many times when the time to pray comes, we may say I am tired today, I cannot pray today. I will pray tomorrow. And then, tomorrow and tomorrow we never find the time for prayer and this way we let other things come into our heart. And Our Lady says, "A flower cannot live without water, we cannot live without God's graces. Prayer with the heart we cannot learn, we cannot study, but we can live prayer with the heart making every day a step forward."

When Our Lady talks about fasting and the sick she doesn't expect them to fast on bread and water, but they can make little sacrifices on the fasting days, giving up something they like very much. In all other people who do not have health issues, and they talk about feeling sick or dizzy, Our Lady says it is not about sickness, but about good will. They have to make a firm decision to fast.

Our Lady wants our complete conversion and she says "Dear children, whenever you have a problem, illness, difficulties, all of you think that Jesus and I are far from you," but Our Blessed Mother says, "We are always so close to you. But you need to open your heart and then you will be able to realize in your heart how much we love you."

Our Lady wants us to make little sacrifices. But she would be extremely happy if we would give up sinning. She says, "I give you my peace and my love. I give it to you so that you can bring it back to your families and your friends." And Our Lady gives us her blessing and she prays for all of us.

Our Lady would be extremely happy if we would pray the rosary in our families and our communities. It would also please Our Lady if the parents would pray with the children, children with their parents. And being united in prayer, Satan cannot harm us. And Our Lady says that Satan constantly disturbs us. He wants to disturb our prayers and our peace. Therefore Our Lady recommends that we pray a little bit more. The strongest weapon against Satan is the Rosary in our hand. And Our Lady recommends that we always wear something blessed on our person. It could be any little religious item, blessed medal, crucifix, and in this way we protect ourselves more from Satan.

Our Lady also recommends that we place the Holy Mass in the first place. It is the most important and the most holy moment. During Holy Mass Jesus is alive and comes to us. Our Lady wants us, when we are in the church, to receive Jesus without fear and without excuses. Blessed Mother also recommends that we go to monthly confession. And she says, "You are not going to confession just because you have sins. But you are also going to confession in order to get some good advice from your priest, so that you can make steps forward."

Our Lady is very concerned about all the young people in the world. The young people are in a very, very difficult situation today. We are the ones who can help them with our love and with prayer with the heart. Our Lady says to these young people, "What today's world offers you is temporary. You can see how Satan uses every single moment of our life. And he wants to disturb us and to attack, but he works especially very hard on our young people because he wants to destroy our families."

Then Our Lady says, "These are the days of great graces." She wants us to take her messages and start living them. And she wants us to become the carriers of peace, and to pray for peace in the entire world. But the first thing Our Lady requires is to pray for peace in our hearts. Peace in our family and in our community. Then when we reach peace in our own heart, then we may pray for peace in the whole world. And Our Lady explained that if we pray for peace without peace in our own heart, it is not an effective prayer....

Certainly, we can meditate on Vicka's simple words with great benefit.  She gives us a heavenly check list by which we can examine our lives.  And her seemingly unlimited enthusiasm for Our Lady is actually healing!  Vicka's smile and warmth transmit Our Lady's love to us so clearly.  I encourage you to watch this episode if you can, just to gaze upon Vicka as she talks.  She is beautiful because she loves!!

In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
(c)Mary Tv 2014 


 "Medjugorje is the spiritual center of the world!"   
Blessed John Paul II  -
Be connected! 

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